1. Introduction
InsightFlow is an easy way to analyze your data. We called it InsightFlow because it is a flow that walks you through a few intuitive steps, and allows you to build analytics in just a few minutes.
InsightFlow requires setting up Entities for your project, before starting using it. It is based on your Entities and the Fields you create and configure for those Entities. You don't need a lot of Entities though - you can start using the InsightFlow even if you have just one Entity.
Here's a detailed video about how to configure the Entities, and use the InsightFlow:
Once you have at least one Entity, go to your project, and then "InsightFlow". You will see a screen like this:
The first step to build your query is to select the Entity that you want to analyze. Once you do that, you are presented with a list of different kind of analytics that you can perform on that specific Entity.
2. Analysis Type
Here are all the different types of analytics you can do at the moment:
See Dataset Entries - allows you to "browse" your data. For instance, you can take a look at individual entries in your database. You can use this for things like exploring the latest entries, like new users, orders, etc.,
Understand Trends - allows you to see your data as it progresses over time. Useful for things like analyzing user growth, sales growth, or any other metric over time.
Analyze Segments - this allows you to analyze data by different segments. For instance - you can analyze the number of users or orders by country. You can analyze the number of orders by category or any other important segment for you.
Calculate Totals - this allows you to calculate different totals, like the number of users you have, the total amount of sales, the number of orders, etc.
Geospatial Analysis (Coming Soon) - this kind of analysis will show specific metrics grouped by country, on a map.
Once you select a type of Analysis, read further for more details about each one of them in part.
2.1. See Dataset Entries
You will see your data in a table, 10 rows at a time, with an option to filter, and paginate the results.
2.2. Understand Trends
The trends will show up as an area chart.
This kind of analytics has different metrics that you can add and remove to the same chart. Once you select it, a "Metrics" tab will show up below, so that you can add more metrics to the chart:
The metrics are usually for counting the number of entries for that specific Entity, or to sum specific fields. For instance, if you have a "total" field on an "Order" entity, you can analyze your sales growth (read more about Metrics below).
2.3. Analyze Segments
The segment analysis will show up as a bar chart.
When analyzing segments, in addition to the Metrics, you also have the option to select a segment to analyze. Here are a few examples of how you can combine them to analyze your data:
You can analyze the number of users in each country.
You can analyze the total sales by category so that you can see which is the best-performing category.
2.4. Calculate Totals
The totals are represented as numbers. They are usually used to calculate the total of a specific metric, like the number users that signed up, the total amount of sales, etc.
3. Metrics
For a field to show up here and be available as a "Metric", you have to enable the "Show in Metrics" feature on that Field.
Metrics are available for different types of analysis, and they're usually the same across the different types of analysis, but they are used for different purposes.
For instance, in trends analysis, the metrics are used to see the evolution of a specific metric over time. In segment analysis, the metrics are used to understand how specific segments are performing.
The available metrics are depending on the type of fields in your Entities, and we're automatically detecting what kind of metrics can be generated for your fields.
4. Filters
All the different types of analysis have this in common - filters. All of them have filters that you can use to narrow down your analysis.
Only the Fields with the "Use in Filters" option enabled are going to show up in the Filters section.
There is one special type of filter - the "Date Created" Field that you set on your Entity, which is going to be used for the Time filter on the top right side.